Dear Blog,
Hi, my blog, so sorry that I have abandoned you for 5 years. I don't even remember, and never think of visit my own blog again after so many years. And at this one fine afternoon, that i suppose to work on my office stuff, i am here, and seeing my blog after so many years. The feeling is kinda weird when read back what I have written about all these thoughts and feelings.
So, I do hope i can write and update my blog frequently. Too bad, I am just not that kind of person, who like to take note, leave something, share something. Besides, since I am more a FB guy, it is easier to access and drop a few notes, rather writting a blog, posting photo. So, a bit sorry that I have created you, but have left you like abandoned child. Besides, there a only a couple of guy know your existence, and i think now, I am the only guy left.
Anyway, I am still thankful that you are still here, and at some points of time, you did bring some different to my life. Do hope this website will be forever here, and server a record of few years of my life.
Thanks and Regards,
Yih Loong
2016.03.10 | 博客致敬(2/2)
[Volume 11 Issue 3, #2108]
Tribute to My Incredible Top Readers (2 of 2)
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8 years ago
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