Monday, March 31, 2008


到了球场,才发现这是一场团体赛,每球队都以F1车队命名。我这才忧心起来,若我表现不好,连累队友,那该如何?于是,立即明察暗访,来个“大起低”, 经过一番努力,把形势弄清后,
我的心才开始定下来。结论 - 我这组“法拉利”其实一点都不“法拉利”,除了衣服颜色像以外,实力相去甚远,简直是一组杂牌兵,要赢比赛,谈何容易。




Friday, March 28, 2008

Making A Call

Make a call seems like an easy job. Pick up the phone, dial the number, then either get connected, and talk to the person; or can't get the person due to line busy, no service and etc.

How about when you really need to talk to someone, and you couldn't get him? Due to some project issues, I need to discuss with the project manager who based in Myanmar. Made a call on Thursday afternoon, was told it was Myanmar public holiday, the Project manager is not in office, and advise me to call his mobile in Myanmar. Unfortunately can't get through.

Drag til this morning, tried the office number again, and realized the project manager is actually back in Malaysia for holiday, and will be back in Myanmar on coming Saturday. Since it is so urgent, I tried to call the rest to see if any of them got his KL mobile number, and seems like no one has his contact. Finally got his secretary, and realize he is on the flight to Bangkok. Finally got his Thailand mobile number, and will give him a call in a short while when he departures in Bangkok.

Gosh, have you ever try to call a person using 3 countries number in 24 hours??

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


As mentioned earlier, planning to move into new condo, so lots of things got to do. For the past 2 months, besides struggle with works, how to use my limited budget to built up my dream house is also one big task.

Caryn and I have lots of quarrel on to the renovation, from kitchen cabinet to prayer cabinet, from plaster ceiling to painting. Every little thing can be the cause of quarrel. It was frustrating, and very demotivating. However, I guess we both learnt a lot from these quarrel. In a way, it did helps to strengthen our relationship.

I guess, this renovation plan not only about the house, it is also about our soul.

Friday, March 21, 2008


When you see this title, what will you think?
People who works in my industry will probably know FAT is actually stand for Factory Acceptance Test.
Recently, we are preparing very hard on FAT for one metering system involved 3 parties, Myanmar, Malaysia and Thailand. This week we have started with the testing, and struggled with the customer. It is quite frustrated because these people don't really have confident in us because their initial plan is to get UK vendor to execute the job. So, they have tonnes of questions and comments while the testing is being performed. These has slowed the progress, and we were the one who were blamed.
Really hope FAT can be completed as smooth as possible, and get the system delivered to Myanmar on time.
p/s : I will normally turn "fat "after FAT, any idea why? :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

5 minutes of a day

That day left a comment in friends blog, complaining too much work load, too little time to write blog, or maybe too tire to write blog. Then, he has suggested just to take a few minutes from lunch time to write a few words.

Guess, it is quite true, short or long doesn't really matter, the content does.

Just like our life, to be forever young, or to be immortal isn't that important; most important is to live a meaningful life.

Salute to those who has contributed their life to the world.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Which Prison Break Character Are You?

More on Prison Break. Created by BuddyTV