Tuesday, November 13, 2007


This week is another horrible week for me. It is still about my projects. Someone has desribed my so called "multi-tasking" as Octopus, which I am quite agreed. However, pity me, this octopus is no longer alive, it has become sashimi.

After submission of documentation, customer has commented some of the information I provided is not accurate. I believe this is a common practise whereby customer reviewed the info, and we re-submit for review. However, this particular customer turn it into a big issue, he complaint to my boss, and question if I am capable to handle the project. This is really frustrating, I have been working in this field for 8 years plus, and this is the "1st time"(that I aware of) customer has doubt in me.

Nevertheless, another project that I am handling also puzzled me. It is running smooth, until recently, I just realize the whole concept of the system is not proper, yet the testing with customer is on this week. (Actually is NOW, however I still got time to write blog, :P) I have not yet address the issue to customer, I really like to see the customer impression when I inform him about this.

So, friends, if I call you out for karaoke, or movie, please join in, because your friend-me got to find ways to release stress.

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