Friday, March 21, 2008


When you see this title, what will you think?
People who works in my industry will probably know FAT is actually stand for Factory Acceptance Test.
Recently, we are preparing very hard on FAT for one metering system involved 3 parties, Myanmar, Malaysia and Thailand. This week we have started with the testing, and struggled with the customer. It is quite frustrated because these people don't really have confident in us because their initial plan is to get UK vendor to execute the job. So, they have tonnes of questions and comments while the testing is being performed. These has slowed the progress, and we were the one who were blamed.
Really hope FAT can be completed as smooth as possible, and get the system delivered to Myanmar on time.
p/s : I will normally turn "fat "after FAT, any idea why? :)

1 comment:

[SK] said...

File Allocation Table
Factory Acceptance Test
Fabulous and Trendy
Faithful Available and Teachable
Filtered Array Technology
First Article Test
Frustrated, Angry, Tired
Frustration, Anxiety, Tension

but what comes to my mind in that first tinkle was "having too much flabby tissue"!!!

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