Friday, January 02, 2009


Happy NEW YEAR!!!! Finally, 2008 has left me. A big year for me, too much memories and greatest moments there, I really miss 2008.

I just read my previous post, which I had written in January 2008, it was like yesterday. Time really flying. Nevertheless, I just realized there is one thing I didn't get in 2008, and that's really something I wish to have, my house warming gift (Anyway, I never have a house warming party, so I guess I don't deserve any house warming gift)

2009, without having any fortune telling, or tarot card reading, I know there will be plenty more GOOD stuffs to come. Anyhow, in order to secure all these good stuffs, preparation work is still important. I believe in good luck, however I believe more in hard work.

To all my dear friend out there, I sincerely wishing you all the best in 2009, may all the good fortune be with you; happiness, wealthiness, healthiness and everything you name it, you have it.

As for the world, lets pray for the god, and hope IT will bless the world, will peace and happiness.


[SK] said...

wishing you a happy and healthy and wealthy new year 2009!! may all your wishes come true in this new year laa..

and you can start to save money for CNY angpows now, don't forget the keyword DOUBLE!! :p

Dreamer said...

sk : sorry to dissapointed u a bit.. for me. .there is only SInGLE ang pow.. coz.. my wife can't give out ang pow... her mom pass away last year..

Anonymous said...

Hey Happy New Year !!
Well, the best ever precious gift this year for you is a BABY ! All the best for everything and enjoy parenthood ! :)

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