Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Two huge projects have been handovered to me, and these projects require a lot of documentation to submit for approval. Morning, I might be writing technical proposal for project A,noon I am checking customer specification for project B, evening I am on the phone with vendor to ensure they have quoted me the proper items that I need. Nevertheless, there are still phone call to answer, technical issue to solve for the junior engineers, and meeting to attend. Everything needs immediate action, however, I really don't know if I have given enough attention to all. All I know is I am in rush, most paperwork that I prepared, solution that I provide, I didn't even have time to reconfirm, save and send, try and see is the only option I have.

Someone told me, multitasking means one handles different tasks and all task are in good hand. In my case, which word is best to describe my situation? Any suggestion?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ha ha ! SK is right :)

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