Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December - Movie

I haven't been storming the cinema for quite sometimes. However, due to plenty of holidays fall in December, I went and watching a couple of movies, inclusive Yes Man and a three other movies.

Bolt is an animation movie from Walt Disney. It was about Bolt, a dog who has being deceiving as super dog in TV shows, learn how to be a real dog through the journey to get back to his owner, Penny with two buddies, Mittens the abandoned house cat and Rhino, TV obsessed hamster.

Ip Man, martial art movie, played by Donnie Yen, about the early life of Wing Chun master, Ip Man, also well knowned as master of Bruce Lee. I like the fighting scene; it was well designed, and well performed. Ip Man will always be one of the best all time martial art movie.

Bedtime Stories, another Disney production, starred by Adam Sandler, tells a story about how a life of a hotel maintenance staff changes when bedtimes stories are told to his niece and nephew. These stories told were somehow became true in the real life, in some strange way.

Ip Man is my 1st pick because it is really entertaining, besides the action, the story plot is also well written, thus it stands out compare to the rest.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


This is quite interesting, I actually want to get a name for my baby girl, then come across the following website, and I have tried it myself, some of them seems quite true, so if you are free, probably you can try out, and see what it tells about you.


管大環境.家庭中風格.腦中思想 您的主運為以下論述:

管夫妻關係.做事過程.人生規劃 您的副運為以下論述:

外在的人際關係.行動力.行為表現 您的外運為以下論述:

最終的本質.總體的表現以及給別人的感覺 您的總運為以下論述:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

Last Friday, I decided to bring my colleagues to The Curve, treat them lunch. None of us know what to try, then 1 of my colleague suggested to try the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Restaurant, according to him, this restaurant is inspired by the 1994 film Forrest Gump.

The restaurant is well decorated, and of course the food on the menu looks amazing too. Furthermore, the waiter here seems quite friendly, they gave you a warm greeting, and sunshine smiling face. After spending sometimes with the menu, my colleagues decided to let me take the lead. So, without hesitate, we ordered a few dishes, and share the food among each other. I was quite excited when I heard they serve Dr. Pepper as beverage, I haven't try once since I was back from the States. Nevertheless, the waiter also offer us to have free refill for our drink, if we are able to answer a few questions related to the movie correctly.

Overall, this place is decent, and the food is tasty, too bad, my wife doesn't really enjoy western food, else I will bring her to this place, maybe for Christmas celebration.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Yes Man

Watch this film on Sunday, it was quite funny and delightful to watch. Simple story, simple romance, and simple joke. However, I do like the message this film is trying to send, engage in life, get connected, say YES to opportunity.

It is quite true that most people would like to try various thing in their life, however, when the chances are there, they might find excuses not to participate in such an event. They prefer to have a more control, predicted and less risky life.

Sometimes, I just wonder if we let our life be a little bit unpredictable, a little bit adventurous, how will it end up? I guess it will be very lucky if we end up like Jim Carrey in Yes Man.

Friday, December 19, 2008


在大家都高喊Merry Christmas之际,我却在烦着如何搞定这星期日的冬至。由于家里有供奉神明,Caryn外婆一早已千叮万嘱,记得要搓汤圆,来庆冬至。

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Nokia 5800

I have been using my Sony Ericsson P900 for quite sometimes (4-5 years). I would really like to get a new phone. There are couple of models that has been short listed earlier, SE X1, HTC Diamond, iPhone3G. However, they are still not my cup of tea, SE X1 is rather expensive(3k le!), whereas HTC sounds new to me, and lastly Iphone3G is not officially available in Malaysia.

Through some browsing and research, I then realize Nokia has designed a new hand phone, that trying to complete with Iphone market, and it was called "Tube - the iPhone killer" at early stage, and now is knowed as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic.

You can call this "Love at First Sight". Before I go into detail study of this phone, I have already fall in love with it, I would really want to own it. However, I am not going into detail about this phone, since there are tonnes of article all over the net.

According to mobileworld, Nokia will launch 5800 in Pavillion on 9th January 2009. I am really looking forward to it. The only fallback for me to own this phone - if it is pricey.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


很多时候,遇见一些事情,或脑里有些想法,都很想立即写入blog里头,与人分享。但往往都有这样的难处,开了一篇新blog ,写了个题目,却没发把脑里的想法化作文字,久久不能下笔,挣扎了很久,不得不放弃,于是我的posts里头常有一些draft post,有题目,有一两段的文字,却不成文,也没法发表出来,这感觉其实不太好。有时,看回这一些被遗弃的题目,实在于心不忍,很想把它们完成,好让自己的感觉给抒发出来,但是,总是做不到,真不明白。有时候,这感觉就像恋爱里的一门,遇到对的人但时间不对;时间对了但总等不到对的人。

Monday, December 15, 2008







Note : 照片随后附上。

Friday, December 05, 2008





Wednesday, December 03, 2008





Thursday, November 27, 2008

Photo taken on Offshore Platform

Today tried to get some old project documents, accidentally bump into one project directory, and realized there are some photos taken a few years back, and that was my first offshore experience.

It was kind of fun during my 1st visit to offshore platform, since it was some totally new experience. I got to ride in a chopper, to the middle of no way, just surrounding by water. People who work there mostly on shift basic, each team shall stay on board for 2 weeks and have another 2 weeks off onshore. However, as for contractor, it shall depends on the job duration, I once heard there are people who has been staying offshore for 2 months without transfer. Offshore working hour is long, 12hours per day. There are 2 shifts, morning shift starts 0600, where night shift starts 1800. The meal here is free, and the cafeteria is open 24 hours. Therefore, I used to put on weight after I came back from offshore job because we can eat all we can during our stay on offshore platform.

I haven't been to offshore platform for a while, in fact, my offshore safety passport has been expired, unless I got waiver from the customer, I will not be allow to go onboard. Sometimes, I do miss the Offshore experience, and hope to go onboard again.

Monday, November 24, 2008

My Sunday

Every sunday is basically the same for Caryn and I, the usual routine for us will be breakfast, couch potatoes, lunch, movies/couch potatoes again, dinner and then triple couch potatoes, and good night.

However last Sunday has been a little bit different. I got a small gathering with 3 close friends of mine. Since my wedding, I have almost forgotten how long haven't I spoken with my friends for more than 30 minutes. So, we all met up in WongKok Char Chan Teng at Brem Mall. Anyway there is nothing much about this mall, it is so called the 1st digital mall in Kepong, however it is really nothing fancy about this mall, and I guess I hardly spend my time here if not for this gathering. Though the mall isn't interesting, the food is quite delicious, and the best part of it, it is free, thanks to Bryan who treated us the lunch.

We then stayed in the restaurant, and start chatting. We spent two hours plus in the restaurant chatting all sort of things happen surroudning us, which was quite fun actually. (I hope Caryn will understand that, because I am sure Caryn and I are not into such conversation, politics, econ, properties and etc.)

After we finished up with our gathering, I then realized they have interest to visit 1 of the show unit around Kepong area. So Caryn and I decided to tag along, and it was another wonderful experience, because most show unit is purposely designed to attract buyer, and we likes to see how people decorate and design the house. The show unit is a 3 storey linked house (Corner lot). It is well designed, and we all love the interior.

We chat with the property agent, and realize all units have been booked, except for bumi lots, nevertheless, there are already dozen of names registered to q-up for the bumi lots. It seems like no matter how bad is the economy, there are still a lot of people can afford to spent, and invest. These houses are not cheap, it costs 500k and above. Furthermore, the next phase will be even expensive, they plan to sell it at 700k, and the corner lot will be around 1mil.

We then call it a day after visiting the show unit, and back home to continue with our usual night routine.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008






Friday, November 14, 2008






Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Google Map

老早已听闻Google Map的厉害,但都不曾使用过,今天闲来没事干,就“谷歌”一下,哇哇不得了,清楚到连街名都能找到,再加上“街景"的功能,实在神奇。

Bishop Landing, 333, E Brooks Street, Norman, OK 73069 Westwind Apt 202, 这就是我曾经待过两年的地方。Oklahoma, Norman, 美国的一个小镇留下了我的足迹。

Tuesday, November 11, 2008








Monday, November 10, 2008





Friday, November 07, 2008


从小都有看美剧的习惯,那时的 Airwolf,Macgyer,A-team,Knight rider 等剧集都是我童年的最爱。对剧中的角色,故事及特技都羡慕不及,常幻想自己能像剧中的英雄般有非一般的智慧,驾着拥有人工智慧的超级跑车,到处锄强扶弱。

不知为何,这习惯总是断断续续,常会出现空窗期,上了中学后,初中那三年都不曾记得有那套美剧能让我留下印象的,那时该是忙于其他活动吧(玩电脑游戏较多)。学院时代,倒是有一两套美剧让我定时定侯留守在电视机前的,The X-Files,一套脍炙人口的科幻剧集,故事围绕着外星人,特异功能以及种种科学不能解释的超自然现象,满足了向来爱幻想,爱新奇事物的我。另一套以学院生涯为主题的Beverly Hills 90210也让我留下不少印象,很向往那种生活,也对少男少女的情感产生了好奇心。


留学回来后,与美剧完全绝缘,直到这一两年才对美剧重拾兴趣,反恐剧集“24”是我的最爱,最近又陆陆续续的看了Lost,Heroes ,Desperate Housewives,Prison Break等剧集,都各有精彩剧情,让人有追看的冲动。

今年又多了一套让我期待的美剧:Fringe(危機邊緣/迷離檔案),有点像The X-Files,探讨超自然现象,加上一些似是非是的科学解释,又渗入一些神秘机构操控,还有一个怪诞的科学家,实在有太多该看的元素。

哇!原来美剧都陪我度过了不少日子,写到这里,脑海中还浮现了好多遗忘了的片集,那些充满笑声的环境喜剧如Full House ,Friends ,Seinfeld ,Family Ties都一一在幕。

Wednesday, November 05, 2008



无论在经济,文化,娱乐,科技等方面,美国都对世界各国都有蛮大影响,这一次的总统大选也不例外。在未来四 年内,美国新总统的政纲都不多不少会对各国造成一定的影响。所以说没有任何关系也不那么正确。


Tuesday, November 04, 2008






Monday, November 03, 2008






Friday, October 31, 2008





Monday, August 18, 2008



遇见了你后,总觉得我和你的相識非偶然,是命中注定的,之后,我就像跌入愛情陷阱,愛到你發狂,没有你的日子,你的幻影依然在。 你是我爱的根源,只有你,我的爱才会千年萬年情不變,是你是你,那么的獨一無二,我对你的愛念是那么的全心全意。对你,我只有無言感激,谢谢你,接受我的愛,你的那份爱,我会珍惜的珍惜。


老婆,我永遠都深愛你,你是我一生中最愛。最希望八十歲後,我们的夢仍是一樣,能擁抱在一齐,分享千金一刻,笑看人生 。

Dear Dear老公


Friday, August 08, 2008



对全球热爱运动的朋友,全中国人,全球华人, 各国领袖 - 北京奥运开幕绝对是最值得瞩目及期待的一天。

对所有参与奥运的工作人员 - 这绝对是最忙碌的一天。

对所有维持奥运保安的警务人员 - 这绝对是最严紧的一天

对喜爱好意头,有纪念性的日子,选在这一天注册的新婚夫妇来说 - 这绝对是一对恋人最甜蜜的一天。

对某些恐怖组织 - 这绝对是他们最想发飙,发难的一天(但愿他们失败)。


对我来说 - 这一天也不小,这一天的农历日子是我最爱的老婆的大日子,七月初八,她的生日。

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Ethernet Access in Office

Nowadays, I guess a lot of company have provided Ethernet access for the ease of communication with the outside world, maybe to the vendor, customer or among colleagues. My company has provided us with Ethernet access facility too. However, due to company policies, our IT department has restricted us to access certain site. Unfortunately, most of the restricted sites are some favourites site that most people using nowadays, such as friendster and facebook. Furthemore, the usage of IM has also been prohibited.

Sometimes, I just wonder, as Management point of view, is this (accessing the above mentioned site/using IM in office hour)really a serious issue? By blocking all these website, does it help to improve the performance of the staff? I rather give them more freedom and evaluate their performance based on the quality of work they have done, but not numbers of time they spent browsing Ethernet.

P/S : I said so because I am also one of the victim of limited access via Ethernet. :P. No more facebook in working hour.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My PlayStation2

Since moving into my new condo, there are only a few activities I will do. Playing PS2 has been one of my favourite pass time. However, there are also a few incidents which related to PS2 and none of them is good thing. On Monday night, I just realized the game that I play on PS2 is stucked. I can't access to the next stage, have been trying to figure out if it is a Disc problem or the console issues, but still have no idea. I guess I got to bring it for repair, and hopefully it can be repaired, else I will have to stop playing PS2, and it might be a good thing to somebody.

Monday, July 28, 2008




由于是中文大片,又是与历史有关,这出戏肯定受到非一般注目。阅读了好一些有关吴宇森的赤壁及一般人的赤壁,发现到有一句话还蛮好用的 - 每个人的心中都有一个三国 ,(李安,你好棒)。


武戏 - 还好,导演很用心地让每一位武将都发挥了,但真的有需要吗?我宁愿故事精彩一些,人物刻画多一些,好过让他们都变了“李连杰”,我只需要一个李连杰就够了。另外,听说有好些人都在武戏这一方面有微言,骑马打战的场面真的难拍吗?为何大多武将都鲜少骑马作战呢?


赤壁上部,能看 - 但非经典。
赤壁下部,依然会看 - 期待经典。

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dark Knight

"Why So Serious?"




后记:若有留意娱乐新闻的朋友也该知道这一部影片是Heath Ledger(希斯·莱杰)的遗作,而他对于小丑的演绎,获得一致的认同与赞赏,实在可慰。

Thursday, July 10, 2008



超级英雄看得多,那么烂的超人还是第一次在戏院里看到(卡通 - The Incredible有些雷同,但没那么夸张。)。不过,还好故事后期有交待超人变烂的原因,所以他还是值得原谅的。


蛮欣赏导演的幽默,取John Hancock这一名字很贴切,也很有意思。就像戏里女主角对Hancock说的,你是上帝派来的保险。

后记 :看了一些观后感,很佩服一些观众,太能联系了。据说,这套戏大有大美国色彩,(Hancock的老鹰),Hancock就如美国政府,虽然在一些国际大事上,犯了点错,不过最后各国还是需要他的帮助,美国依然是最棒的。你又如何看呢?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

280608 - Part 2

完成人生一大事后,当然要庆祝一下,我们选择了上山观赏容祖兒Star Light演唱會。



Monday, June 30, 2008

280608 - Part 1




Friday, June 27, 2008



这天回到旧家,眼见一堆凌乱的DVD,CD, 漫画等杂物,好混乱,不知哪些该搬,哪些该留,哪些该去?


Wednesday, June 25, 2008





Monday, June 23, 2008



Friday, June 20, 2008




一、五月三日 - Caryn的母亲过世。
二、五月九日 - 我发病了。
三、五月十五日 - 我进院了。
四、五月二十四日- 我妈进院了。
五、六月九日 - 我结婚了。


Friday, May 09, 2008





妈咪,那天我是如此称呼你吧?其实我也不太记得了。我想如何称呼该不是那么重要吧, 最重要我已认定你是我的妈妈了。打从跟淑芬相识以后,都常会与你碰面,虽然相处的日子不长,交流也有限,但从淑芬与妹妹们的谈话中,我很肯定你是位伟大的妈妈,淑芬爸爸由于工作缘由,常不在家,家里五个孩子的一切,大小事务都由你一手包办,之后,当孩子们都长大了,需要离家到城中留学,你又一个人,独自守候在家,打点一切,让回家度假的孩子们有个好安心休息的温暖的家。


Friday, May 02, 2008




Tuesday, April 29, 2008





Thursday, April 24, 2008





Sunday, April 20, 2008

not so good weekend

Since thursday, I felt sick, went to doctor, took medicine and get home earlier to rest. hopefully can recover soon. Too bad, it doesn't work that way, I am not only having fever, my nerve also got inflammation, so my back and left leg are in terrible pain. Luckily, I got some pain killer to reduce the pain but it is not a good way. Do hope I can get better in coming week. Sigh.. still got lots of things to handle, this unforeseen sickness really cost me a lot.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008







Tuesday, April 15, 2008



后记 :由于肿瘤扩展太快,医生宣告无法切除,需要另寻其他治疗方法,真希望能尽快找到新方法将病情控制下来。

Friday, April 11, 2008


隐形眼镜 - 对某些人来说可能是又爱又恨,我却对之毫无好感,要不是为了拍照,我是不太可能带隐形眼镜的。

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Project Manager

Actually, I don't really bother what title my boss gave me, I am more concern on my wages. This title has been followed me for 13 months after I returned to Transwater, however I don't really feel that I deserved this title. Main reason - I am not really managing projects, I am more like application engineer at the moment, or maybe a "senior" application engineer, since I am still involve a lot in detail engineering, and software configuration.
I guess it is really the time to set a target for myself, or for the job that I am doing, I need to transfer or train up my subordinate to take over the detail engineering role. I need to focus in project management, schedule, costing and etc.
So, please call me engineer before I really feel that I deserve to be call a P.M.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I am in Miri for a meeting. Since not sure how long the meeting is going to take, decided to go for a later flight back to KL. I have asked my admin to book me a 615pm flight connecting to Kuching and departure at KL around 940pm.

The meeting went on smooth, and finished around 12. So, decided to try my luck at the airport, to put my name in the waiting list for 220pm fligth. Unfortunately, luck is not at my side, so decided to go to Miri office, to wait for the booked flight. When I reached Miri office around 315pm, I just realized from my colleagues, the is another direct flight which take off at 415pm. I am so upset because when I was in airport asking for assistant saying I would like to get back to KL earlier, and they never suggest me to put my name in the 415pm waiting list, and now I ended up in Miri office, got to wait for another 3 hours to get the flight, and back to home only around 11pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, April 07, 2008



有些可惜,店长不让我们拍照,所以无法与大伙儿分享所选的婚纱及晚装。不过,有了意外收获,找到了Caryn三姨的儿女做花仔,花女。这对兄妹可是大有来头的,他们曾经在MyFM DJ林德荣的婚礼上做过花童。

Friday, April 04, 2008



Thursday, April 03, 2008

Budget Planner

Recently, I am interesting in budget planning and budget planning software. Probably, it is because of getting marry soon and renovation, I need to look after my budget to ensure I got enough money to get marry and pay for the renovation.

That day, downloaded a budget planner software, and it seems quite good, much more better than my own spreadsheet budget planner. I guess I will stick with this software for time being.

Do hope this budget planner really helps me to save some money by having a better control and understand my own financial status

Wednesday, April 02, 2008






Monday, March 31, 2008


到了球场,才发现这是一场团体赛,每球队都以F1车队命名。我这才忧心起来,若我表现不好,连累队友,那该如何?于是,立即明察暗访,来个“大起低”, 经过一番努力,把形势弄清后,
我的心才开始定下来。结论 - 我这组“法拉利”其实一点都不“法拉利”,除了衣服颜色像以外,实力相去甚远,简直是一组杂牌兵,要赢比赛,谈何容易。




Friday, March 28, 2008

Making A Call

Make a call seems like an easy job. Pick up the phone, dial the number, then either get connected, and talk to the person; or can't get the person due to line busy, no service and etc.

How about when you really need to talk to someone, and you couldn't get him? Due to some project issues, I need to discuss with the project manager who based in Myanmar. Made a call on Thursday afternoon, was told it was Myanmar public holiday, the Project manager is not in office, and advise me to call his mobile in Myanmar. Unfortunately can't get through.

Drag til this morning, tried the office number again, and realized the project manager is actually back in Malaysia for holiday, and will be back in Myanmar on coming Saturday. Since it is so urgent, I tried to call the rest to see if any of them got his KL mobile number, and seems like no one has his contact. Finally got his secretary, and realize he is on the flight to Bangkok. Finally got his Thailand mobile number, and will give him a call in a short while when he departures in Bangkok.

Gosh, have you ever try to call a person using 3 countries number in 24 hours??

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


As mentioned earlier, planning to move into new condo, so lots of things got to do. For the past 2 months, besides struggle with works, how to use my limited budget to built up my dream house is also one big task.

Caryn and I have lots of quarrel on to the renovation, from kitchen cabinet to prayer cabinet, from plaster ceiling to painting. Every little thing can be the cause of quarrel. It was frustrating, and very demotivating. However, I guess we both learnt a lot from these quarrel. In a way, it did helps to strengthen our relationship.

I guess, this renovation plan not only about the house, it is also about our soul.

Friday, March 21, 2008


When you see this title, what will you think?
People who works in my industry will probably know FAT is actually stand for Factory Acceptance Test.
Recently, we are preparing very hard on FAT for one metering system involved 3 parties, Myanmar, Malaysia and Thailand. This week we have started with the testing, and struggled with the customer. It is quite frustrated because these people don't really have confident in us because their initial plan is to get UK vendor to execute the job. So, they have tonnes of questions and comments while the testing is being performed. These has slowed the progress, and we were the one who were blamed.
Really hope FAT can be completed as smooth as possible, and get the system delivered to Myanmar on time.
p/s : I will normally turn "fat "after FAT, any idea why? :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

5 minutes of a day

That day left a comment in friends blog, complaining too much work load, too little time to write blog, or maybe too tire to write blog. Then, he has suggested just to take a few minutes from lunch time to write a few words.

Guess, it is quite true, short or long doesn't really matter, the content does.

Just like our life, to be forever young, or to be immortal isn't that important; most important is to live a meaningful life.

Salute to those who has contributed their life to the world.

Monday, March 17, 2008



Friday, February 29, 2008


钱不够用 - 一般人都会面对的问题,但熟悉我的朋友该很少机会听我这样说吧,原来不是不说,只是时辰未到罢了。




Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Long Time No Write

So many things that I would like to share, however I guess I am a bit too lazy, and a bit too busy. Since end of 07, til now, I have been complaining about too much work load, but too little time, and I guess this situation will be dragging til April 08.

Anyway, I still manage to catch a break during Chinese New year, had some gambling session, gathering, and hell lot of dining sessions. So, I end up breaking records, I had the most number of "lou sang" in this year, shortest CNY holiday, infact, I didn't take any leave for the CNY, what else, least number of movies that I watch in CNY, only manage to catch 2 movies, oh ya, and most important I break my Weight record.. now is 82kg liao.. so SAD!!! :(

So many to share, but so little time to write. Guess got to put a stop now, hope I got more time to share more, bout my wedding preparation, my condo renovation and etc.

Friends, a very late wishing from me, Gong Xi Fa Chai.... and HAppy NEW YEAR!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008







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